In the ever-evolving landscape of Japanese manufacturing, Nakao Seisakusho stands as a pivotal player. President Hiroyuki Nakao discusses its strategic response to global economic shifts and demographic...
In this insightful interview,Atsushi Omatsu,President of Nikken Sekkei, one of Japan's premier architectural firms, discusses the state of Japan's construction market and the challenges...
Takayama Kasei, a leading Japanese firm, navigates supply chain disruptions and demographic shifts while spearheading advancements in recycled materials and soundproofing technologies. Despite industry...
AQ Group, a pioneering force in Japan's construction industry, discusses the shift towards sustainable, disaster-resistant housing and their ambitious plans for international expansion, culminating...
As a pioneer in prefabricated housing, Sekisui House is now looking towards ZEHs and digital technologies as the next step in the evolution of homebuilding and living.
In a candid interview, the president of E. Katayama, a leader in the trade of specialized steel and construction materials, discusses how they’re tackling labor scarcity, meeting strict anti-seismic...
In a candid interview, the president of E. Katayama, a leader in the trade of specialized steel and construction materials, discusses how they’re tackling labor scarcity, meeting strict anti-seismic...
A construction consultant company specializing in harbor and waterside projects, AHEC is at the leading edge of innovation in marine-based disaster prevention.