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Kuriyama: Supplying industrial rubber and plastic products

Interview - July 16, 2021

The Kuriyama Group specializes mainly in the sales and application of rubber and plastic components for corporate customers in not only Japan but also overseas. We spoke with president Hironobu Nose to learn more about the company and its operations, as well as its strategy to reach more global customers with its superior quality products.



In the past twenty-five years, we have seen the rise of cheaper regional competitors such as those in China, South Korea, or Taiwan who are replicating the Japanese monozukuri processes but at a cheaper price than Japanese manufacturers. With this taking place can you define for us what is the essence of monozukuri and how do you implement it in your production processes?

To fully understand what monozukuri means to our company, we have to go back in time. We consider our first major milestone to be in 1957 when we secured our first overseas partnership and our customer base and reach into other industries began to expand. As for monozukuri, we find the essence of specifically Japanese monozukuri to be excellent craftsmanship and know-how. Japan has a special devotion to production, which stems in part from Toyota’s original production process.

This process emphasizes the relationship between senior-level management and junior staff to instill an apprentice-like system where specific production processes are passed down like tradition. Due to how entrenched this is in Japanese business and production, it’s impossible to come across it anywhere else in the world. As for our own company’s monozukuri, what sets us apart is the attitude of our craftsmen who are also dedicated to the tradition of monozukuri, regardless of which global facility they are employed at. 


Can you tell us more about the superior quality of Kuriyama Holdings’ Urea SCR System” technology?

Although we did not introduce the concept of NOx purifying, we did develop the density sensor which allows the SCR technology to function. Normally, the preferable density for the urea solution to reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides and solid particles in exhaust is 32.5%. Our sensor is functioning to monitor the density of the urea solution for SCR technology working most efficiently. We are extremely pleased that our sensors have received a great reception from the market and customers. 


Which industry holds the biggest share of your business?

We currently stand upon three major pillars of business: industrial hoses, industrial materials, and construction materials. In terms of sales, those three businesses, in that respective order, yield our highest turnover. 


Are you looking to expand in one particular area of business in the near future?

With our hose business already being one pillar of our company, we are looking to further capitalize on this. We already widely sell our hoses in the US, whether that be industrial hoses or beverage dispenser hoses. Additionally, due to how widely used soft drink dispensers and therefore beverage hoses, are used in the US we believe that we have more room to grow and more companies to offer hose solutions to. Not only do we want to grow these two hose offerings, but we are looking to expand our reach in hoses for oil and gas, water, air, and even for fire emergency use. 


Can you tell us about how you ensure Japan-quality standards in your Chinese plants?

China has always been a very important place for us to do business. We have two main streams of business in China. The first being our Chinese manufactured products, like ceramic construction tiles that we export to Japan and also our localized procurement business which helps Japanese construction-related businesses thrive in China. To ensure high levels of quality we have bought the facilities that procure the necessary raw materials in an effort to standardize quality across the entire production process. 


What is the main reason that companies decide to work with Kuriyama Holdings?

Being a one-stop shop for our clients to find solutions makes us very attractive as a company. But specifically, our ceramic tile business is why our customers choose to work with us. Over the years, due to our domination of the ceramic tile industry, we have become the only option for customers because of just how vast our offerings are. We have extensive solutions for all applications of tiles from those used in urban environments, commercial spaces, station platforms, and more. 


What is the role of R&D and co-creation in your company? Are you actively looking for partners?

Our R&D is separated by product and by facility across the world, ensuring that each product has its own team and receives a great deal of attention. As for co-creation, we look for opportunities where both parties have something to offer. As a Japanese company, we can bring cutting-edge technology to the table, whereas with European companies, perhaps in need of more precise technology, they can bring their stylistic flair to products.  In this way co-created products are technically and aesthetically perfect. 


How is Kuriyama Holdings overcoming the instability of the COVID-19 crisis and how does this affect your midterm strategy?

As a company, we have been fortunate to not have our business massively affected by this global crisis. Many of our global facilities have been allowed to operate through the crisis due to our essential status. For the protection of our employees though, we have sent office workers home and had our production staff report to work in shifts. Although COVID-19 has been devastating for people worldwide, it has also been an eye-opening chance to leave this crisis with new changes made to our business. COVID has exposed the lack of productivity that plagues offices due to outdated Japanese practices, like paperwork and leaving only after management has. However, we have boosted productivity by sending workers home to focus on their jobs without the in-office obligations. 


What is your current international strategy?

Prior to COVID, we were focused on bringing our business into new countries, like South Africa and Russia due to the high demand for our technology. We, unfortunately, have not been able to pursue these avenues, but we are still keen on being open and friendly to all countries. During previous US administrations, we have had taxes increased, trade wars, and other obstacles that made it hard to operate the import aspect of our business. Therefore, our new focus is on making sure that wherever we expand, we do so on a local level so as not to have to deal with the politics and regulations of trade and to focus on serving the local community. If this can be accomplished through joint ventures, even better. 


If we return in five years, what would you like to tell us, what are your dreams for the company and what would you like to have accomplished by then?

I am extremely proud of our history as well as our current actions like adopting Sustainable Development Goals, offering our clients world-class products, and serving our employees and the world. For the next five years and beyond, I hope we can continue doing so. I also hope to remain friendly with all the countries where we do business and in all those, we will start doing business. It is so easy to get caught up in the politics of business, but we’d like to just keep our partners around the world, and everyone related, happy.