Created and under development by ERC, Sahl Hasheesh offers an ideal destination for tourists and investors alike
Created and under development by ERC, Sahl Hasheesh offers an ideal destination for tourists and investors alike
The country’s banking system will be integral to encouraging diversification and developing small and medium sized enterprises
The country’s banking system will be integral to encouraging diversification and developing small and medium sized enterprises
With investments returning to Sudan’s oil industry, the country could soon become one of the largest oil exporters in Africa once again
With investments returning to Sudan’s oil industry, the country could soon become one of the largest oil exporters in Africa once again
The government has highlighted five key sectors packed with business opportunities and set up a $1 billion co-investment fund for ventures that will bring out their full potential
The government has highlighted five key sectors packed with business opportunities and set up a $1 billion co-investment fund for ventures that will bring out their full potential
The Organization of American States (OAS), whose member states are currently convening at the VII Summit of the Americas in Panama City, deems tourism as a vital sector – not only in economic terms, but also as a way to promote understanding among the people of the Americas
The Organization of American States (OAS), whose member states are currently convening at the VII Summit of the Americas in Panama City, deems tourism as a vital sector – not only in economic terms, but also as a way to promote understanding among the people of the Americas
With U.N. sanctions on Iran set to be lifted at the end of June as part of the nuclear deal with the country, Iran’s Ambassador in Spain, D. Mohammad Hassan Fadaifard, discusses the steps taken to strengthen Iran’s economy and international relations and how it is working to attract foreign investment.
With U.N. sanctions on Iran set to be lifted at the end of June as part of the nuclear deal with the country, Iran’s Ambassador in Spain, D. Mohammad Hassan Fadaifard, discusses the steps taken to strengthen Iran’s economy and international relations and how it is working to attract foreign investment.
The CEO of AMCHAM about how they were involved in the multilateral negociations for the FTA with United States, the developement of the trade and investment relations between both countries or the peruvian mentality of doing business
The CEO of AMCHAM about how they were involved in the multilateral negociations for the FTA with United States, the developement of the trade and investment relations between both countries or the peruvian mentality of doing business
With the loss of oil revenue, Sudan has prioritized the mining sector as its top foreign exchange earner, with lucrative gold investment and exports now expected to spearhead growth
With the loss of oil revenue, Sudan has prioritized the mining sector as its top foreign exchange earner, with lucrative gold investment and exports now expected to spearhead growth
IMF projections for Latin America’s GDP forecast a growth rate of 1% for this year and around 3% for the next five years. At the same time, projections for Peru estimates that rate around 3,8% for 2015 and around 5% until 2020. It’s the economic dynamism that Christina Lagarde has referred to as “one of the brightest economy in the whole world”. United World talks with Mr Julio Velarde about the importance of this event and the pattern of growth of Latin America's most dynamic economic.
IMF projections for Latin America’s GDP forecast a growth rate of 1% for this year and around 3% for the next five years. At the same time, projections for Peru estimates that rate around 3,8% for 2015 and around 5% until 2020. It’s the economic dynamism that Christina Lagarde has referred to as “one of the brightest economy in the whole world”. United World talks with Mr Julio Velarde about the importance of this event and the pattern of growth of Latin America's most dynamic economic.
Bolivia has made more economic progress since President Evo Morales took office in 2006 than in all the preceding 180 years, and not just thanks to the nationalization of its extensive oil and gas resources. Despite the collapse in world hydrocarbon prices, the economy grew a robust 5.2% last year, up by $34 billion over 2014’s results
Bolivia has made more economic progress since President Evo Morales took office in 2006 than in all the preceding 180 years, and not just thanks to the nationalization of its extensive oil and gas resources. Despite the collapse in world hydrocarbon prices, the economy grew a robust 5.2% last year, up by $34 billion over 2014’s results